
Together with four classmates from the USC Iovine Young Academy, I co-founded Slingshot, a music technology startup that provides musicians with a comprehensive toolkit to grow their careers. As VP of Brand, I crafted the Slingshot vision into the slide deck below to pitch our company to investors. This deck carried us successfully through our pre-seed round, earning an investment of $1.5 million.

In early 2021, I led the marketing efforts for the first annual Slingshot Summit event. It was quite the challenge to build hype for a virtual event in the middle of COVID-19 quarantine, especially one hosted by a new company without a big brand name. Nonetheless, I went on a marketing rampage: managed A-B testing advertisements on social media platforms, sent out press releases, and cold-emailed bigger brands to publicize the event to their networks. In the end, we accrued over 10k listeners throughout the 2-day weekend event that featured industry guest speakers and artists as shown in the posts below.

I designed these Instagram posts to build excitement for the upcoming Summit speakers. You’ll notice my winding pink ribbon motif to connect all the speakers together and anchor our eye-catching color palette. The posts are ordered from most to least recent, just like you’d see on our Instagram feed.


Below are Instagram posts and story graphics I created for publishers and social media accounts to repost. I adjusted the copy and created different versions for each audience.


Using A-B testing methodology, I created different ads to amplify results. The TikTok panel advertisement, targeted to a younger demographic, was very successful on Instagram, whereas the “Recommended Summit Schedule” posts did well on Facebook where I targeted people with each post’s respective interests.


Here are some quick Instagram story promotion videos I edited together. I made one for every speaker, as well as one for a TikTok advertisement on @rap’s account with millions of followers.

Designed Fall 2021 in Figma. Successfully raised $1.5 million for the pre-seed round.

Graphics + Branding


Poketti – Entrepreneurship